Urban transportation planning (DVD)

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Media Storage Type : DVD-ROM

NPTEL Course Name : Urban transportation planning

NPTEL Subject Matter Expert : Dr. M. Parida

NPTEL Co-ordinating Institute : IIT Roorkee

NPTEL Lecture Count : 42

Lecture Titles:

Lecture 1 - General
Lecture 2 - Transportation in the Cities
Lecture 3 - Future developments
Lecture 4 - Urban Activity Systems
Lecture 5 - Classification of roads
Lecture 6 - Types of Urban or Road System
Lecture 8 - Classification of Urban Goods movements-1
Lecture 9 - Methodology of approach to analysis of goods movement-1
Lecture 10 - Modelling demand for Urban Goods transport-1
Lecture 11 - Transport Planning Process-1
Lecture 12 - Evaluation & Choice-1
Lecture 13 - Sequence of Activities Involved in transport analysis-1
Lecture 14 - Introduction--1
Lecture 15 - Details of Trip Generation-1
Lecture 16 - Trip Production Statistical Analysis-1
Lecture 17 - Trip Production Statistical Analysis-2
Lecture 18 - Category Analysis OR Cross Classification-1
Lecture 19 - Influencing Factor
Lecture 20 - Earlier Model Split Models-1
Lecture 21 - Disaggregate Mode- Choice Model
Lecture 22 - Binary Choice logit model Situations
Lecture 23 - Logit Model
Lecture 24 - Case Studies
Lecture 25 - Basis of Trip-distribution
Lecture 26 - Gravity Model of trip distribution
Lecture 27 - Case Studies of Gravity Models
Lecture 28 - Growth Factor Methods of Trip distribution-1
Lecture 30 - Description of transport Network-1
Lecture 31 - Route Choice Behavior
Lecture 32 - The Minimum Path
Lecture 33 - Route Assignment Techniques-1
Lecture 34 - Example
Lecture 35 - Introduction---1
Lecture 36 - Types of movement
Lecture 37 - Types of Survey-1
Lecture 38 - Cordon line Survey
Lecture 39 - Introduction-----1
Lecture 40 - Types of models
Lecture 41 - Components of Transportation
Lecture 42 - Types of Urban or Road System-1

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