NOC:Secure Computation: Part I

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Media Storage Type : 32 GB USB Stick

NPTEL Subject Matter Expert : Prof. Ashish Choudhury

NPTEL Co-ordinating Institute : IIITB

NPTEL Lecture Count : 59

NPTEL Course Size : 5.1 GB

NPTEL PDF Text Transcription : Available and Included

NPTEL Subtitle Transcription : Available and Included (SRT)

Lecture Titles:

Lecture 1 - What is Secure MPC
Lecture 2 - Real-World Examples of Secure MPC
Lecture 3 - Various Dimensions to Study Secure MPC
Lecture 4 - Recap of Basic Concepts from Abstract Algebra
Lecture 5 - Recap of Basic Concepts from Abstract Algebra (Continued...)
Lecture 6 - Recap of Basic Concepts from Cryptography
Lecture 7 - Secret sharing
Lecture 8 - Additive Secret Sharing
Lecture 9 - Inefficient Threshold Secret Sharing
Lecture 10 - Polynomials Over Fields
Lecture 11 - Shamir Secret-Sharing
Lecture 12 - Linear secret-sharing
Lecture 13 - Linear Secret Sharing (Continued...)
Lecture 14 - General Secret Sharing
Lecture 15 - Perfectly-Secure Message Transmission
Lecture 16 - A Toy MPC Protocol
Lecture 17 - A Toy MPC Protocol (Continued...)
Lecture 18 - A Toy MPC Protocol (Continued...)
Lecture 19 - The BGW MPC Protocol
Lecture 20 - The BGW MPC Protocol for Linear Functions
Lecture 21 - The BGW MPC Protocol for Linear Functions: Security Analysis
Lecture 22 - The BGW MPC Protocol: The Case of Non-Linear Gates
Lecture 23 - The Degree-Reduction Problem
Lecture 24 - The Gennaro-Rabin-Rabin (GRR) Degree-Reduction Method
Lecture 25 - Analysis of the GRR, Degree-Reduction Method
Lecture 26 - Shared Circuit-Evaluation via GRR Degree-Reduction Method
Lecture 27 - Shared Circuit-Evaluation in the Pre-processing Model
Lecture 28 - Optimality of Corruption Bound for Perfectly-Secure MPC
Lecture 29 - Perfectly-Secure MPC Tolerating General (Non-Threshold) Adversaries
Lecture 30 - Perfectly-Secure MPC Tolerating General (Non-Threshold) Adversaries with Q^((2)) Condition
Lecture 31 - Perfectly-Secure MPC for Small Number of Parties
Lecture 32 - Perfectly-Secure 3PC (Continued...)
Lecture 33 - More Efficient Perfectly-Secure 3PC
Lecture 34 - More Efficient Perfectly-Secure 3PC (Continued...)
Lecture 35 - Towards Cryptographically-Secure MPC
Lecture 36 - GMW MPC protocol
Lecture 37 - Oblivious Transfer (OT)
Lecture 38 - RSA Assumption and RSA Hard-Core Predicate
Lecture 39 - Bit OT Based on RSA Assumption and Hard-Core Predicate
Lecture 40 - Discrete Logarithm and DDH Assumption
Lecture 41 - OT Based on the DDH Assumption
Lecture 42 - Pre-Processing Phase for the GMW Protocol
Lecture 43 - Pre-Processing Phase for the GMW Protocol: The n-Party Case
Lecture 44 - Pre-Processing Phase for the GMW Protocol (Continued...)
Lecture 45 - Pre-Processing of OT
Lecture 46 - OT Extension
Lecture 47 - Analysis of IKNP OT Extension
Lecture 48 - Yao’s Protocol for Secure 2PC
Lecture 49 - Yao’s Garbling Scheme
Lecture 50 - Yao’s Protocol for Secure 2PC
Lecture 51 - Optimizations for Yao’s Garbling
Lecture 52 - Interpreting Yao’s Secure 2PC Protocol as a Secret-Sharing Based Protocol
Lecture 53 - Mixed Protocols for Secure 2PC
Lecture 54 - The Arithmetic, Boolean and Yao Sharing for Secure 2PC
Lecture 55 - The ABY Conversions
Lecture 56 - The ABY Conversions (Continued...)
Lecture 57 - The ABY Conversions (Continued...)
Lecture 58 - ABY Computations : Example
Lecture 59 - Goodbye and Farewell

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