NOC:Programming and Data structures (PDS) (USB)
Media Storage Type : 32 GB USB Stick
NPTEL Subject Matter Expert : Dr. N S. Narayanaswamy
NPTEL Co-ordinating Institute : IIT Madras
NPTEL Lecture Count : 18
NPTEL Course Size : 3.2 GB
NPTEL PDF Text Transcription : Available and Included
NPTEL Subtitle Transcription : Available and Included (SRT)
Lecture Titles:
Lecture 1 - A Simple C Program for Sorting
Lecture 2 - Review of Structures, Pointers and Functions
Lecture 3 - Recursion
Lecture 4 - Abstract Data Types-Data + Methods
Lecture 5 - List Data Type
Lecture 6 - Access and update methods
Lecture 7 - Doubly Linked List Data Type
Lecture 8 - Doubly Linked Lists and Arrays
Lecture 9 - ADT Stacks
Lecture 10 - Checking of Balanced Parenthesis
Lecture 11 - Infix and Postfix expressions and Expression evaluation
Lecture 12 - Queue ADT Definition and Implementation
Lecture 13 - Merging using Queue ADT and Queue types
Lecture 14 - Tree ADT and Traversals
Lecture 15 - Binary Tree ADT and traversals
Lecture 16 - Tree Applications
Lecture 17 - Binary Search Trees
Lecture 18 - Heaps